Normally, it takes IdeaVibe two weeks to complete a business plan and present it to a client for evaluation. This time period can be shortened on a case-to-case basis, after additional considerations, without compromising the quality of the resulting document. The process involves close collaborations between the client and the IdeaVibe team, which consists of the Managing Director/President, a Project Manager, and one or more Advisors.
Your responsibility as a client is to provide us with the needed information as best you can, and to clearly state the objectives that the business plan is intended to help you achieve. Our role at IdeaVibe is to create a first-class document and to deliver it to you on time. We follow a proven process that is designed to ensure that your expectations are met:

Step 1
Fill in the IdeaVibe business planning questionnaire to the best of your abilities and return it to the designated Project Manager. In case you encounter challenges in providing sufficient answers, your designated Advisor can walk you through it interactively, upon your completion of Step 2.

Step 2
Settle the initial payment installment due, which is 50% of the agreed-upon fees for the project.

Step 3
Hold an initial discussion (via phone or Skype) with your designated Advisor. The objective of the call is to clarify any ambiguity that may be identified among the questionnaire answers, information from supporting documents, or stated project objectives.

Step 4
14 days after your initial discussion with your Advisor, the complete business plan should be ready for your evaluation. By then, it would have already gone through quality checks by the Project Manager. Unless you have already paid the total project fees in full, an online viewing link to the complete document will be sent to you.

Step 5
Settle the balance of project fees, and the complete set of editable files used to construct your business plan will be emailed to you.

Step 6
Provide feedback or revision instructions to your Advisor if needed. In pursuit of process efficiency, we expect you to provide feedback or instructions as a set, instead of piecemeal. You may do this via email or through a voice call with the Advisor. You are given two opportunities to request for changes, and you must do so within 14 days from the day that the complete document was first presented to you for viewing.

Step 7
Changes to the complete business plan are normally implemented within two days of your feedback or revision request.

Step 8
When all changes have been complied with, to your satisfaction, the updated set of editable files are resent to you.
Your Next Step:
Call or email us, or hit the button to book a call appointment.
Phone: +1 (888) 390-5507